I attended the Society for Pentecostal Studies and the Wesleyan Theological Society 3rd Joint Meeting at Duke Divinity School, March 13-15, 2008.
I recorded three of the sessions with my little recorder. They are not the best recordings, but if you are highly interested, I assume you will still be grateful. If you have questions about listening to MP3's, see below.
The Gospel and Peace — A Pentecostal-Wesleyan-Quaker-Baptist Conversation.mp3
Here is the WMA version which is probably clearer because it is the original version.
2 hr. 6 min session, 144 MB size
Thursday, March 13, 2008 SESSION 2
Paul Alexander, Azusa Pacific University, Chair
Theme: "The Gospel and Peace: A Pentecostal-Wesleyan-Quaker-Baptist Conversation"
Stanley Hauerwas, Duke Divinity School, Panelist
Ann Riggs, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, Panelist. (Dr. Riggs is now Adjunct Faculty at the Earlham School of Religion.)
Glen Stassen, Fuller Theological Seminary, Panelist
William C. Turner, Duke Divinity School, Panelist
Jürgen Moltmann – Sighs, Signs, and Significance.mp3
55 min lecture, 63 MB size
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Speaker: Professor Dr. Jürgen Moltmann, Tübingen University
Sighs, Signs, and Significance: A Theological Hermeneutics of Nature
Jürgen Moltmann – Darwin and the Interpretation of Natural Theology.mp3
1 hr 28 min lecture and panel, 100 MB size
Friday, March 14, 2008
Professor Dr. Jürgen Moltmann, Tübingen University, Presenter "Darwin, Theology, and Culture"
Ellen Davis, Duke Divinity School, Respondent
Frederick L. Ware, Howard Divinity School, Respondent. (Dr. Ware writes, "I am attaching my full written response to Professor Moltmann. My
oral presentation does not follow verbatim the written text I prepared
for the plenary session. Professor Moltmann has a copy of my written
text." Download Ware_Response_to_Moltmann_Theology_of_Nature_Without_Moral_Realism.pdf)
Barry Callen, Anderson University, Respondent
Note to those interested in Moltmann:
Tony Jones has alerted me to the Jürgen Moltmann Yahoo Group which you would be free to join.
Instructions for playing MP3's:
I have given you MP3's which play on any computer. You just right
click on it and click "Save Link As . . ." or "Save Target As . . ."
and you can save it
to your desktop (and it will be on your computer and you can listen to
it whenever you want). If you have an MP3 player, you just plug it in to
your computer like a memory stick and move the MP3's from your computer
to your player.
More Duke Divinity School Audio Recordings:
There are more Duke Divinity School audio recordings at iTunes U / Duke / Religion / Divinity School.
(This link will only work if you have iTunes, a free downloadable
program, installed on your computer). See especially the talks by
Wendell Berry, Stanley Hauerwas and Ellen Davis at "Our Daily Bread 2007: 2007 Convocation and Pastor's School" (iTunes link). See also the talks by Dale C. Allison Jr., from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, on "The Historical Jesus and the Theological Jesus" (iTunes link).
There are also some MP3's available at the Duke Divinity School Socratic Club blog. See April 2008. For example, one post "Socratic Audio Files" has 2008 talks by Allen Verhey on Richard Niebuhr, Amy Laura Hall on the Yale School (George Lindbeck, etc.), Curtis Freeman on Karl Barth, Mary McClintock Fulkerson on Friedrich Schleiermacher, Stanley Hauerwas reading from his memoirs, and Richard Hays on biblical studies at Duke Divinity School. These talks explore various influences on the strain of theology found at Duke Divinity School.
In the past, I have greatly appreciated it when people have recorded lectures and then posted them on the web. I am keenly aware that it is not always possible to fly across the country to go to that conference you wanted to attend. I posted recordings from the SBL and AAR meetings in November and the feedback from both presenters and listeners was 100% positive.
Collin Hansen's "Theology in the News" web only Christianity Today article links to this post. He writes,
The period following Lent is the season for conferences. The Wesleyan
Theological Society joined with the Society for Pentecostal Studies at
Duke University in March for a conference called "Sighs, Signs, and Significance: Pentecostal and Wesleyan Explorations of Science and Creation."
More than 600 scholars attended. Jürgen Moltmann delivered the keynote
address, which explored the harmony between revealed Scripture and the
natural world. Andy Rowell has posted audio.
One response to “Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas Audio Recordings from Society for Pentecostal Studies and the Wesleyan Theological Society joint meeting”
Thank you so much for the links to Jürgen Moltmann! I have greatly appreciated his interaction with the Pentecostals and generally love pretty much everything that I’ve read of his. Thank you so much.